Since 1984 the residents of Ormeau who have required the services of a dentist have been utilizing the long established and trustworthy Beenleigh Dental. It’s reputation for excellence continues to grow under the kind hands of Dr John Steffan. Six practitioners now fulfil the dental expectations of the whole community. Being a family orientated preventive practice their expertise engulfs the fields of Children’s Dentistry, Orthodontics, Cosmetic/Restorative Dentistry, Oral Surgery and of course Preventive Dentistry.
It is only a few generations ago that the idea of keeping your teeth for life was not even contemplated. The team at Beenleigh Dental believe that losing your smile and chewing ability is not only avoidable but oral health is a basic human right. They love working with you to preserve your dentition.
At Beenleigh Dental they have reserved appointment slots set aside each day for any emergency you may have. It is very important that you deal with these as soon as practicable before there are complications. Over 60,000 people a year are hospitalized in Australia with preventable dental disease. Interest free payment plans are available.
If you are looking for something new and different and being disease free and healthy is important to you call them on 3287 5390 six days a week.